January 2025: The 6th BISMiS meeting will be held at Qingdao, China from October 17th to 20th, 2025. See the Announcement here
November 2024: BISMiS Live completes four successful years. Over 4500 participants attended the Live sessions.
December 2023: Wen-Jun Li becomes the President of BISMiS and the new executive board elected under the revised consitution takes carge of BISMiS affairs.
November 2023: Fifth meeting of BISMiS was successfully held in Guangzhou, China from November 6-9, 2023 with over 800 participants in attendance. Photos from the meeting are available here
May 2023: Effective May 1st, 2023, amendments to the Constitution and the new Bylaws of BISMiS were adopted by the membership.
April 2023: The 5th BISMiS meeting will be held at Guangzhou, China from November 6th to 9th, 2023. See the Announcement here
February 2023: BISMiS Live completes two successful years. Over 3000 participants attended the Live sessions.
February 2022: BISMiS Live completes one year.
December 2021: Relaunching the Bulletin of BISMiS & accepting submissions.
February 2021: BISMiS Live: Our Monthly Seminar Series, on third Saturday of each Month, starting 20th March 2021.
February 2021: BISMiS announces new Membership Types. Click here for more details.
August 2020: Kamlesh Jangid becomes the President of BISMiS.
August 2020: Iain Sutcliffe steps down as President of BISMiS.
August 2020: The 5th BISMiS meeting stands postponed until 2022 due to COIVD-19 Pandemic.
July 2020: William Whitman takes over as the Treasurer of BISMiS.
March 2020: The 5th BISMiS meeting is scheduled to be held in Guangzhou, China. See the Announcement here
April 2018: The 4th BISMiS meeting was successfully held in Muldersdrift, South Africa.
April 2018: Iain Sutcliffe become President, Kamlesh Jangid become President-elect, Wen-Jun Li become Secretary, Brian Hedlund become Treasurer of BISMiS
2016: Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (BMSAB) is now available to all Current Lifetime and Full members
Click here to visit Membership page!
